5 Tips on How I stay Happy Single and Plus Size!


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Hello Divas,

I’ve really wanted to broaden my blog to not only focus on fashion and beauty but also my personal experiences in life as a plus size young woman. Now I don’t know about you all, but one of the things I find myself and my friends talking about quite frequently is our relationship status.  Just dating period, now my friends range in size and ethnicity so we all experience the world of dating differently just as you, my readers might.

I personally don’t get what we call “hit on a lot.” When I was younger, I blamed it on my size, but as I’ve matured into adulthood, I’ve realized that I was allowing my insecurity to destroy my chances on allowing anyone to like me or ultimately, when I’m in a relationship, love me. One because I didn’t love my whole self, I loved certain things about me, now don’t get me wrong when I’m out those thoughts try to creep back in, but I refuse to allow them to keep me down. You shouldn’t either. The second is because I didn’t think anyone would find me attractive. Ladies don’t ever depend on a man to define your sexy! You have to know you are sexy then your confidence will shine through.

Now that I’ve given you a background on my personal experience let’s jump right into this. These are my own opinions on how I’ve learned to stay happy while being plus size and single. Like I said previously everyone is different.

1. Spend time with God. As you all may know I’m a Christian young woman, so spending time with my Creator allows me to grow spiritually and helps me to get to know myself.

2. Spend time learning about yourself. For some that’s journaling, going to the movies by yourself, going to a therapist, etc. it’s important to know who you are before bringing another person into your space.

3. Family time is critical when you do get into that relationship sometimes your family takes the back burner so spending time with while you have it is a must.

4.Plan hangouts with your girls to go out and have fun, as I type this I’m taking a girls trip with friends to New Orleans

5. Do everything you can while single. I have things that I want to do in a relationship and when I’m single. Men aren’t forever, so to keep myself from getting attached to the idea I made a list of things I want to do that I won’t be able to do while in a relationship or at least won’t be as fun!

These are some things that have helped me thus far. I hope this will help you if you’re feeling down about your relationship status or if you just want to be reassured that you’re not alone. Please leave some comments and thoughts about how you feel about being single.



8 responses to “5 Tips on How I stay Happy Single and Plus Size!

  1. These tips are spot on! I’m right there with you girl, like you said, I realized that I projected my insecurities onto why men “aren’t attracted” to me…so good!


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